09 August, 2005

New chief spook

The NSA have a new director, a Keith B. Alexander. He started work on the 1st of August, and he is the sixteenth director since NSA was created in 1952. The agency rotate the directorship amongst the Army, Navy and Air Force; Alexander is US Army, while his predecessor, Michael Hayden, was from the US Air Force.


Blogger Dirk Rijmenants said...

Did you hear what they did with the fromer Chief Spook, Michael V Hayden? For reasons of security, they dipped him into a nuclear reactor, where the high levels of radiation permanently destroyed his memory. Really! Comes with the job. Security above all! Gonna think again about that NSA job interview...

7:06 pm  
Blogger Dirk Rijmenants said...

By the way, look at his photograph. He lost all of his hair due to radiation! http://www.nsa.gov/about/about00013.cfm

7:09 pm  
Blogger Matt Crypto said...

Dude, if they hear you talking like that about the former director, talking about the secret director-dipping, then, oh my, they can hear everything, man, you're in so much trouble...

Hang on, I'll be right back, there's some people at the door with suits. Must be mormons, right?

12:28 pm  
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4:48 pm  

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